Women’s Earth Alliance

In 2019, Women’s Earth Alliance launched partnerships with local women-led NGO’s Uganda Women’s Water Initiative (UWWI) and Women in Water and Natural Resource Conservation (WWANC) to implement WASH initiatives in East Africa. Since launching, program participants have built 2 Ecosan latrines and provided hygiene training to 1,050 women in rural communities in Uganda. In Kenya, participants built 15 rainwater harvesting tanks in community facilities and provided health resiliency training to 9,968 community members. Visionary Women’s grant has helped establish additional WASH initiatives that have increased community access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene, improving overall health. They have also improved the economic well-being of women and their families by replacing inefficient and inequitable water collection duties, leading to an increase in school enrollment and in women-owned microenterprises.

  • Downtown Women’s Center

    Through the support of Visionary Women, DWC’s Financial Literacy Education Program was able to provide the technology, training materials, curriculum and workshops for financial literacy training and resources to over 350 women in their learning center.

  • Chrysalis

    Chrysalis is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a pathway to self-sufficiency for homeless and low-income individuals.

  • Indego Africa

    Launched in Rwanda in 2016 and Ghana in 2017, Indego Africa’s Vocational & Business Training program provides young people with artisan vocational and foundational business training.